Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Accreditation is Important for Your Masters in Education?

What is Accreditation? 

A review process through which the universities and colleges undergo to determine if a specific program or an institution meet or exceed preset educational standards is known as accreditation. Joining accredited educational institution makes sure that the student gets quality education. This will help him to advance in his career and have positive impact on his future education like obtaining masters in education programs or online masters in education. Getting a online masters in education from unaccredited college will create problems for you when you wish to take up a teaching career after obtaining the teaching degrees from unaccredited college.

Different Types of College Accreditation

Regional or national accreditation can be sought by the Masters in Education Programs. The graduate programs can get the transfer of credits that are earned from the regionally accredited college. At the same time, credits from the nationally accredited college may or may not be accepted by all the regionally accredited graduate programs. Both national as well as the regional agencies are recognized by the US department of education to grant financial aid.

Teacher Education Accrediting Agencies

The Teacher Education Accreditation Council and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education have accredited over 600 teacher preparation school programs. The school's education department is evaluated by the NCATE to ensure that it fits the standards set by teacher educators, teachers and professional organizations throughout the country. The education department should provide evidence to prove their program produces competent teachers possessing best teaching skills. The standard for accreditation is the same as that of the NCATE but the review process is flexible and stresses on evidence of the school on the educational programs.

National Accrediting Bodies

Private, nongovernmental agencies form the accreditation boards that are meant to review educational programs and institutions. The general public is provided the list of programs and institutions that meet the high-quality standards by the accreditation organizations so that people become the members of these educational programs. You can also request information from the accredited college about where they got accreditation from.

Benefits of Attending an Accredited Masters in Education 

Many schools or educational programs apply for accreditation to ensure that their programs meet the accreditation standards and improve the areas where they notice a mistake. After passing the review process of accreditation, the educational program or institution become the member of the accrediting agency. Certain states require the candidate to acquire graduation from the accredited college to use the teaching certificate. Every educational program does not opt for the accreditation review process. But there are several benefits of attending an accredited college.

Financial Aid – People who attend the accredited education school are benefited by participating in the federally funded and state entitlement programs. You can get the state and federal financial aid only from the accredited college programs that have US department of education recognition.

Transfer of Credits – A graduate from an accredited college qualifies for attending other accredited colleges to go for advanced studies like doctoral programs and master’s degree or masters in education online. You can only transfer the credit earned from the accredited education school to other accredited college.

Employment – There are more chances of getting the job if you graduate from the accredited college program. The employers tend to hire the graduate from the accredited college as these candidates have acquired the training under nationally established standards for teaching education.

Using Accreditation Information
People searching for master’s education must look in to any accreditation agency where the program got the membership. This will help you to get a better knowledge of the standards and the various accreditation advantages which you can gain.

If you are interested in learning more about a Masters in Education Degree be sure to visit